Thursday, October 16, 2008


Caleb welcomes me home. He's *much* better than he was, but still...not the same as before.


Iris said...

Ohhh, but he looks like such a sweetie. I'm glad he's some better anyway.

Hill upon Hill said...

Oh dear, what happened?

Fashion Schlub said...

He was diagnosed a little over a month ago with Lyme's Disease - a 2 on a scale of 1-4, so not severe, but...we had a rough month. He's much better, but still is less active than before (he's only 5½), and there are things that are definitely hard for him, like stairs. I have a lot of stairs, so...that's challenging. Hopefully he'll just continue to improve, and not go back like he was last month (when he BARELY moved, and was very sad and lethargic).

Carole and Chewy said...

Poor baby - he has such a sweet face. Glad he's feeling a little better - it takes awhile to recoup from Lyme'sm even for 2 legged people.