Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 9

I guess I've been chicken - I've been showing you very selective areas of the house...the "good." I guess we need to get to the bad and the ugly.

Here's the kitchen wall that's on the back of the house. That's not op-art on the walls. Those are 12-year-old unpainted sheetrock walls...a project started with my husband, and never finished when we split. We moved a doorway, moved around the appliances, replaced a window. It's a very awkward arrangement. The base cabinets to the left (photo left) of the stove are barely usable as the doors won't open all the way, and you're like behind them as you open them. I do love my big glass door so I can see out. And the half door on the right is to the pantry.

I found that big orange painting in someone's trash. It has a little water damage on the bottom, but I love it!

The kitchen definitely needs some TLC before I list this house next year!


Carole and Chewy said...

Just found your blog Miss Bettye -
and I love your back door - that's the kind I want.

CookieBabe said...

Nice door. Now, the burning question is ... did you do this kitchen shot as a BEFORE picture and during your vacation, you'll be painting it?? Doesn't look like too big of a project! hehehehe Lauren

CookieBabe said...

The burning questions begs to be asked: IS THIS A BEFORE PICTURE, and you're painting it during your vacation????? Then you'll post the AFTER shot with a bowl of matching oranges????? hehehehe Lauren

CookieBabe said...

The burning question MUST be asked -- which is -- is this a BEFORE shot of what you're going to be tackling whilst on vacation? Then you'll show the afer shot, with music and a complimentary bowl of oranges? hehehehe Lauren

CookieBabe said...

You painting this week?

Fashion Schlub said...

Lauren dear, a) no, will not be painting this week - probably not til spring, and b) what's with all the messages?? ha! said...

I think cookiebabe really wants to know-hehe.
I like how you are showing us everything.
you are right the painting is beautiful.

Hill upon Hill said...

I love that painting too.