Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 1

So, the child is grown, and almost ready to leave the nest. August 2009 she's off to college in parts as-yet unknown. And *I* will be moving on, as well, to something more manageable for one person. I love my house - it's charming. has the POTENTIAL to be charming! What it really is, is messy and overgrown. It's gotten away from me the past few years.

So, I need to start getting things in order...and this photo blog will journal the transition from messy and overgrown to...well, hopefully, less messy and overgrown! First I'll introduce you to the house, but by bit, and eventually you'll start seeing some changes.....
And here, on Day 1, is My House...


Iris said...

Love it Bettye - it IS charming! said...

what a great idea. I look forward to watching!

Fifi Flowers said...

ADORABLE cottage! LOVE it! This looks like a FUN adventure!

Carole and Chewy said...

I think your house is wonderful!

Linda said...

I like the photos. I have walls yellow and red in my new house so will be studying those photos for ideas.

valeria said...

What a lovely, lovely, lovely house!