Wednesday, January 13, 2010

this is the book i never read....

I always have stacks of books and magazines around my bed. I start one...see a new one around, start that one...before too long I have a dozen half-read books piled up...I envy people who can read a book start to finish before moving onto the next one. I used to be able to do that. Can you?

5 comments: said...

Sometimes I can do it, though I too have many half read books lying around my bed.
I'm almost done with "The Hour I First Believed" It's borderline irritating, but I can't seem to put it down.

Country Cottage Chic said...

My bedside pile of unread books is as high as the lamp on the table - I often have several books going at the same time & I do usually finish them.


Wanda said...

I do! It might take me a month. Or two. Depending on how long it is, but that's the one thing I can stick with beginning to end. A good book. A novel, mind you. Non fiction, not so much.

Fashion Schlub said...

Lily: Ha! I do that, too. I will be mot liking a book, yet I'm committed to not being BESTED by it, so resolve to finish. It might take me AGES, but I'll be damned if I let a BOOK get the better of Bettye!

Jayne: I always thought maybe I should just make a bedside table OUT of a stack of books!

Wanda: I use to DEVOUR I read mostly nonfiction - photography, decorating, gardening, etc. I get so ADDICTED to novels that I don't get any other work done once I start reading :-) But I'd like to find a way to fit them back into my life...

Killara girl said...

lol maybe you just have too many better things to do!!! i'm stopping by from ...oh...i don't know who now...very cute blog!